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03-15-2024 Motti Update

With the relaunch of the German version, the release of Motii & Friends’ next coup on the Sunday before last still proceeded according to plan.Then a gust of cold hit me unprepared and caused some trouble. They have now been defeated and I can make plans again-

So I’ll be putting off the next postings until next weekend.

At least there are a few figures to report on my existing posts.

As expected, the relaunch of Motti’s Rapunzel was unspectacular. With 31 views since the launch on 3.3.24. Especially as the myComics team has relocated the strip to the cartoon section, where it is less visible. 🙁

In contrast, the French version of “First Contact” received more attention. It has achieved 464 views since 2 March and second place in the list of user comics with the most views.

Hopefully things will go back to plan from next weekend 😉

Currently available on myComics.de

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