11-29-2023 Motti on Top

With 6545 views since the end of February 2023, the English version of “Murmeli und Co – Der erste Kontakt” is my most successful post on myComics.de. Even more successful than the original version, which was already overtaken by “First Contact” in March. Very surprising, as myComcs.de is a German-language website.
Nevertheless, the original version “Der erste Kontakt” is my second most successful post. Online since January 2023, it has already left most of my older posts behind with 3771 views. The one-pager is currently in 4th place and 120 views separate it from 3rd place – at the moment “Mission Barbary Coast Part 1”.
New comic posts are unfortunately still a long way off. But my new computer is now in service. And the reorganization of my data archives is slowly but steady coming to an end.
Then I will try to dovetail the work on my creative projects (NauticalFiction, Murmeli/Motti) with the practical ones (liquidating my comic collection and selling things I no longer need on E-Bay). So that both projects produce noticeable results.
In the new year at the latest I will post a link to my E-Bay offers for those interested (in the comics).
So stay tuned
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