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02.21.2021 New entry in the gallery “Miscellaneous”

To pass the waiting time for the colour version of “Falcon in the Storm”, there comes another Falcon for the gallery “Miscellaneous” today.

Faucon Noir the Black Falcon, is a study of a heavy privateer frigate from 1980. I had sent it as a suggestion to my favourite comic magazine. There, in an usually very good corsair series, the corsair’s ship looked like a ship of the line. Much too ponderous for successful privateering.

Whether it had any effect, apart from a few warm words of thanks when it was returned, I never found out. I stopped buying the magazine shortly afterwards, as the proportion of series that were not quite as appealing in terms of quality increased.

By the way, the colours are a mixed of red, blue and yellow ink 😉

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